Grossy Pelosi's Chicken Pesto Meatball Recipe

Grossy Pelosi's Chicken Pesto Meatball Recipe

grossy pelosi's chicken pesto meatballs
grossy pelosi's chicken pesto meatballsgrossy pelosi's chicken pesto meatballs

Summer is so tough when you have kids. I feel like we're always trying to find something new and exciting to do (that doesn't involve electronics!) Granted, we are on the road a good bit playing ball - but when we're home, I'll take any chance I can get to find something new to do with them. But, I found a secret weapon to lure them back into the kitchen: meatballs. Dan (aka Grossy) Pelosi's meatballs to be exact.

Yes, meatballs! These bite-sized treats are surprisingly fun to make, especially with kids. It's a chance for them to get a little messy (controlled mess, of course!), unleash their creativity, and feel a sense of accomplishment when they devour their creations. And let me tell you, they are DELICIOUS!

Here's why making Chicken Pesto Meatballs (or any kind of meatballs, really) is a perfect activity for you and your kiddos:

  • It's a Hands-On Experience: Preteens & teens crave independence. Making meatballs allows them to take ownership of a task in the kitchen, from mixing the ingredients to shaping the balls (which can be surprisingly therapeutic!).
  • Room for Creativity: This isn't a recipe set in stone. Let your kids experiment with different flavors! Add a sprinkle of their favorite cheese, chopped veggies like sun-dried tomatoes or spinach, or even a pinch of red pepper flakes for a kick.
  • Life Skills 101: Cooking is a valuable life skill, and meatballs are a great entry point. They'll learn about measuring ingredients, following instructions, and of course, kitchen safety.
  • Quality Time (Disguised as Fun!): Sandwiched between the giggles and the inevitable "eww, gross" moments (when handling raw meat) is some quality parent-child bonding time.

Tips and Tricks for Making Meatball Magic with Your Preteens:

  • Prep Work is Key: Pre-measure all the ingredients and chop any veggies beforehand. This keeps the activity moving and avoids frustration.
  • Safety First: Make sure your preteen washes their hands thoroughly before handling raw meat. Explain the importance of not touching their face while working with the ingredients.
  • Let them Take the Lead: Assign tasks based on your child's comfort level. Older kids can handle mixing the ingredients and forming the meatballs, while younger ones can help with adding cheese or breadcrumbs.
  • Embrace the Mess: Meatball making can get a little sticky. Have a roll of paper towels handy for easy cleanup, and remember, a little mess is part of the fun!
  • Make it a Party: Put on some music, have a taste test competition with different flavor combinations, or get silly with different ways to shape the meatballs.

Shown served on our Plisse Tapas Dish on the Natural Round Placemat. We used our Peppermate Peppermill, Measuring Cups, and Glass Nesting Bowls to pull this recipe together!

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